04 February 2007

a freezing afternoon

I finally hooked-up with the warehouse guy. I spent the afternoon in his dingy, freezing work area sorting through books. The deal is I can take what I want as long as I box up my rejects so he can wholesale them out. The ratio I hit was 4 boxes of rejects (for him) to 1 box of books for me. It's not high enough for my liking, but it's something to get a few more good books.

I went to a local county library having a small book fair. They have several in the winter as they rev-up for their massive June sale. I tried to get access to their unsold books. They keep them for the June sale, but I laid the groundwork and explained the container project.

Hopefully, by June I'll have virtually all the books I need to fill the container and what I get from them will be cream on the top. I am counting on this sale and the May book fair here to finish off the project. Between those two events I should be able to get the final 10% of the necessary books, if they are still needed.

I got a message from a friend in Bucharest about a Rotary Club in Maine that sent a 20-foot container of books (apparently) to Ramnicu Valcea. I e-mailed them with info about this program and asked for an introduction to local Rotarians to ask whatever assistance they might offer.

Tonight I'll visit a church to scope out the format they use for their monthly speakers' presentation, as I am invited to speak next month.

I've been told that word of the book project is passing around a local university and there may be some interest. Also a local high may sign on.

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