25 March 2007

more than they expected...

Chicago was a reasonable success. The drive was long, but uneventful. I finally remembered how to avoid the city center and went to the hostel to register. After lunch with a friend I found out the books couldn't be sent away until Friday. I cruised all the thrift stores just looking around and buying an occasional book to fill out incomplete sets. I had dinner in a nice Romanian restaurant.

The best news is that I sent off about 600 pounds of books to seven Peace Corps sites throughout Romania. I wasn't able to meet any of my Romanian friends in Chicago, so I wasn't able to line up any support at this time for future shipments.

I did try to hit a couple book sales while I was there, but the one big one regretably wasn't closing until the next day and had arranged for disposal in anay case. But they did generously give me a few boxes of good books that their salvage man told them were useless for him.

Back in St. Louis this past weekend was very slow with only a single box of books gathered.
I chatted with one of the guys at the donated storage facility and found out he thought I was only going to store three or four pallets. In my mind I was very clear I would be filling a 20' container. ooops.... The floor footprint I need is about six times that and I'll need it for about 3 or 4 more months.

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